Flavia Del Monte has just released her newest workout program designed specifically for women. Our Curvalicious workout review will reveals everything about her latest Flavilicious Fitness program. Find out how this program can get you the flawless female figure you diseire . If you already know and love Flavias stuff you can check out the Curvalicious Workout Here, or read on for my sneak peak review.
If you havent heard of Flavia Del Monte its probably because she is not one of those TV fad fitness personalities that comes and goes with the wind. Flavia is a certified personal trainer, registered nurse, and has a certification in Precision Nutrition as well.
She has been involved in fitness for a number of years and is married to Vince Del Monte who has many top selling mens fitness and muscle building programs as well. Both Vince and Flavia have also been on the covers of many well known fitness magazines.
Photo shoots and husbands are not what make a program good, its whats inside. I got a look at the full program for this Curvalicious Workout review and can tell you first hand, if your looking to really reshape your body, this is exactly what you need.
Women need training programs that are geared towards their specific physical and biological needs and this is where Flavia excels, her first program, Full Body Licious was a big success simply because it helped answer a question that most programs did not, how to get a toned, feminine, shapely body if your a female. You can check out the full Curvalicious Workout Program Here!
Her new product Curvalicious takes it to a whole new level. This program includes everything to not just get you beach ready but go beyond what you probably thought possible. She teaches not just the burn fat and get smaller stuff but also the important, shape, tone and look gorgeous part of weight training and muscle building.
Yes, I did say muscle building and no that does not mean looking like a man. Women now more then ever are finally realizing that muscle, done right, is way more sexy then simply skinny with no shape. This is where Flavias Curvalicious comes in.
This is a 12 week toning workout to help really sculpt you body. Here is whats inside the Curvalicious Workout, you start with a 5 day workout program that includes a home and gym routine.
Video 1 Luscious Legs, this workout is all about the lower body. Flavia gives you a couple of great circuits to really bring out the best in your legs.
Video 2 Tummy Tightner, this circuit will help you not just get a flat stomach but a strong stomach that shows the definition that will turn heads.
Video 3 Amazing Arms, geared towards giving you sleek and shapely muscles that look great in a sleeveless dress, tank top or bikini.
Video 4 Better Back and Strong Shoulders, The shape of your back and shoulders are what really help define your over all shape. Nicely rounded shoulders with a v shaped back will add that taper to your body that screams sexy.
Video 5 Bombshell Booty, This is not just about losing fat but giving lift and shape that will make anything you wear look that much better. Nothing attracts more attention then a well shaped back side!
I have watched these videos and they are not only packed with great routines but Flavia gives a full explanation of all the hows and whys of the exercises you will be performing. You get circuits that will help you shape and tone while burning maximum amounts of fat and raising your metabolism to keep burning fat long after you finish your workout. The videos are super easy to follow and you get variations for beginners all the way up to advanced so you will constantly be challenged as your fitness level grows.
Check out this Curvalicious Workout Review Video from someone using the program
There is a lot more to the Curvalicious Workout program then workout videos as well. You will also get the following with your package:
A Workout Manual
Nutrition Manual
Workout Sheets and Exercise Descriptions with Pictures
Supplement Guide
Warm UP And Stretching Guide
and some other bonuses
Bottom line is this program has you covered soup to nuts as far as getting the hottest body possible. The only thing you will have to do is put in the work and yes, you will actually have to work. If you really want a head turning, eye popping body it WILL NOT come in a bottle, a 3 minute workout or a fad diet. If that is what you came looking for then this is so not for you. But if your done with all the B.S. and ready to work for and earn your body then the Curvalicious Workout program will give you some amazing results.
Flavia has a great line she likes to use and its that you dont get a body like hers by training like a girl. What that means is you have to be willing to work hard, sweat, and lift something other then a pink weight. Your not going to find a more comprehensive female fitness workout without getting an expensive personal trainer that will cost you thousands, and even then its up in the air. I have seen many trainers that simply dont know what they are doing and get no results for their clients.
My recommendation is to take control of your own physical well being and check out the Curvalicious Workout now. If you do I would love for you to come back and leave a comment because after going through the program I know your going to see results. The ball is in your court, so what will you do?